
It was 3 minutes past midnight,
(I had checked)
When he quietly opened the door
And walked out of the house
Into my room

It was 4 fingers I had just vigorously washed
And my wrist
And my finger nails

5 words he said “I saw your text late.”

“too bad,” I replied “I want to sleep now.”

Yet that smell of uni boys cologne
Stayed to fill the room


Later that night,

It was 5 minutes to 2am
(I had checked—how late was I from wishing my boyfriend
A happy birthday)

And 4 Hail Marys I prayed
Asking for forgiveness
Because the Bible never gives an account
Of Mary Magdalene allowing Jesus, her cousin, take on
from where her own fingers stopped.
From where her own fingers could not reach.

3 times we had looked at each other in the dark
Without seeing each other

He looked at me,
Seeing his reach.
I looked and saw
None but the hunger
That bends my fingers every night.



Post image by MrT HK via Flickr

About the Author:

Portrait - ImmaculataImmaculata is a History and Comparative Literature student who is devoted to culture analysis and enthusiastic about fashion and art curation. She’s also a contributor at mywekutastes.com