
Writers in Lagos and Yaounde have a chance to take part in a new literary initiative. The Goethe-Institute is teaming up with Lagos-based Saraba Magazine and Bakwa Magazine in Yaounde to create a literary exchange project.

Writers in both cities get to attend workshops on creative non-fiction run by these two amazing literary magazines.

We love the idea of studying writing through a cross-cultural experience. Best part is that it is an all-expense-paid workshop. We strongly encourage all the aspiring writers in the Brittle Paper community to apply.

Deadline: February 15

Submission guidelines:

Apply by sending an an e-mail to Your email subject should read “Application for Literary Exchange 2017”

Here is what should be in the body of the e-mail:

  1. Your Name
  2. A short bio not more than 200 words with relevant publishing history statingwhether you are applying from Nigeria or Cameroon.
  3. An unpublished writing sample of not more than 700 words written in Englishand submitted twice in .doc format. One sample submitted with your name onit and the other without.
  4. Your availability to travel between 10th-16th May 2017 and other dates afterbeing given prior notice.

Your sample of work must be included as an attachment in your mail. Applications not following the rules will automatically be disqualified. The working language of the workshop is English.

Selection process:

Applicants will be selected by a jury appointed by Goethe-Institut Lagos and Yaounde. The jury’s decision will be final and non-appealable.

Deadline for Submission is February 15, 2017. Only those accepted will be notified by March 10, 2017. Details regarding dates of exchange and meetings will be communicated upon approval of your participation. For further enquiries, contact:

“One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

[Please NoteBrittle Paper is not responsible for the organization or further promotion of this call for application, neither do we have a stake in its popularity. Address any inquiry to Thank you. ]