Forna, Aminatta

For those in New York, here is a free, high-profile literary event to mark on your calendars.

Scottish Sierra Leonean novelist Aminatta Forna who is also a Windham Campbell Prize winner and Nigerian novelist and Caine Prize winner, E. C. Osondu will meet up to chat about all things literary, alongside novelist and Pulitzer-winning journalist, Lorraine Adams.

The event is scheduled to take place on Friday, September 19th, at 7pm.

The venue is Hotel Particulier (4-6 Grand Street between Varick & 6th Avenue in SoHo), a stunning space that W Magazine has described as “a modern re-imagining of the eighteenth-century salon.”

The evening is co-hosted by the Caine Prize for African Writing and presented with Guernica, the award-winning online magazine of ideas, art, poetry, and fiction published twice monthly.

WORD will have selected titles by the speakers for sale, including Forna’s newest novel, The Hired Man (Grove/Atlantic, October paperback), at the event.

Don’t forget that the event is free and open to the public.

Best part? There’ll be refreshments!


Image from author’s website.