6334019311_8f9febf126_z (1)Across the Atlantic
They are not agnostic

With three hundred and sixty five stones
They watch the cycle.
With the last pebble gone
They blow their horn.
They look into the sky
For a God who’s most high.
They ask earnestly for a favor
For God to consecrate their labor
As the green season come round.

They see his radiant epiphany everyday.
He gives breath and bread.
He is the living God.
They call Him, “Baenne”: the Sunny Father,
The heart of the Milky Way
That rises and sets everyday.

Adventurers from against the East
Holding firm their God’s anthology,
The antagonist of Abyssinian philosophy
Say theirs’ is most sublime,
That the two don’t rhyme.
“This is animism,” they say.
“A grovel for stones, waters and hay,
Believing they have souls.”

Their God is omnipotent.
The Abyssinian God is also omnipotent.
He is the light.
The Heart of the Milky Way is also the light.
He sustains life.
“Baenne” also sustains life.
He is the Alpha and Omega.
The Superstar is the cradle and the grave.

Their philosophies may originate
From opposite sides.
They are opposite sides of the same dice,
Two roads leading to one destination.
The Abyssinian God is supreme.
Of heaven and earth, he holds the reigns


Image by Hartwig HKD via Flickr

About the Author

Portrait - YiroYiro Abari High was born, Yiro Abari Pede, in Jos, Nigeria. He is a graduate of Geology and Mining from the University of Jos, Nigeria. His interests include reading, writing, traveling, music reviews, adventurous walks, basic environmental matters, and social commentary. He is the author of a self-published book titled “How to Become a Music Maestro.”