Lolwe is a literary magazine founded in January 2020 by Kenyan writer and editor Troy Onyango. One of the magazine’s objectives is to pay writers for their work.

However, the magazine is currently having trouble meeting this objective because it is not able to generate enough funds to be self-sustaining. At the moment, Onyango sponsors and exclusively runs the magazine.

Onyango is, therefore, appealing for donations from readers and the general public. The funds will go towards paying writers and artists accepted for their forthcoming inaugural issue.

As an added incentive, Troy Onyango is willing to provide personal editorial services for a short story or personal essay of up to 5000 words, in exchange for a donation of £20/$25 (or more). See tweet below.

Make a donation here to Lolwe or contact Troy via email at [email protected] to begin the process of editing.

Hey Brittle Paper community, let’s donate to Lolwe to help keep its dream of paying writers alive!