The snip snip snip of the mobile tailor’s scissors
no longer competes with the once noisy street.
How easily we have been separated and silenced
like dead leaves dispersed by breeze.
I have learnt to breathe my own air
and I forget how it felt to breathe shared air.
Slowly, minute after minute, breeze blows away
remaining bits of touch fighting for a spot on my skin.
I have learnt to catch the music in silence
the way butterflies are caught with cupped hands
and listen to loneliness while I give myself the task
of chasing the clouds in star strewn skies.
*This poem was shortlisted for Bloomsday Poetry Competition sponsored by the Embassy of Ireland, Nigeria. More details here.
Emeka Aroh April 13, 2021 16:30
This is a masterpiece. A beautiful fusion of language and nature. It's compelling as it's fascinating.