I am black & gay and even those two hate each other.
The eyes will shut behind the doors of itself, close its windows & admit nightmare
Before the cock crows, my body will betray
itself & my retina like a camera will roll in
the sights of crows/ cawing/ flying/ still/ lifeless
some dreams do not interpret themselves,
My body will jerk itself, fight on its own accord, yes there are a million ways to die as
a living thing
then there are ten million ways to die as a black/ queer/ transgender/ non binary/ living thing, try raising up your hands & expect a fist,
a punch in the face or a bullet to the head, imagine the last words tumbling out of my tongue:
“Eli Eli lama sabachtani!”
My body turning into a pillar of salt/ a pillar of memory/ my lover can pinch off from when I am gone,
lord, did I inherit a death sentence the day I was born? you can’t be black & queer in one body,
What kind of death am I asking for? lord pass this cup over, or my body will die before I wake, what kind of cross is this?
who labelled me Cain, put a sign to my head, cursed my last words & said it should be
“I can’t breathe! Can’t breathe! Breathe!”
& once again I am inclined to think that God’s spit is rain water, that we are nothing but vessels turning into clay turning into dust.
Photo by Ezekixl Akinnewu from Pexels
Ejiro Elizabeth Edward October 31, 2021 15:12
Thank You