Volume 5, Issue 1 of the Feminist Africa is now available! This issue “explores how feminist movements, organizations, and strategies are changing and adapting to navigate the complexities of the 21st century.”

Feminist Africa is a publication of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana, produced by a community of feminist scholars. Feminist Africa‘s platform highlights creativity by focusing on the dynamics of resistance that emerged in postcolonial Africa through a feminist lens.

The newest issue aims to highlight and give visibility to young feminist leaders amid the recent challenges faced by various social and political movements. From the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East to the RhodesMustFall and FeesMustFall campaigns in South Africa, numerous movements have spotlighted women’s leadership and their fight for proper recognition of their work.

In the opening “Editorial”, editors Dzodzi Tsikata and Lyn Ossome frame the goals of this issue:

The seven feature articles are the outcome of a call for proposals for a three-year project on 21st century feminist struggles and movements to establish an inter-generational collective to research and produce informed accounts of particular experiences in Africa as a basis for theorising and supporting praxis. The overarching question of the project, “How are 21st century feminist struggles and movements in Africa constituted, and what are their contours, antecedents and futures?”, has resulted in nuanced and thoughtful studies that also raise pertinent questions for future research. Read more.

The articles featured in this issue build on a history empirical research by African feminists that studies how women’s roles in events such as the Aba Women’s War in Nigeria and the Mau Mau uprisings in Kenya, among others, laid the groundwork for the challenges women face today.

Feminist Africa offers a progressive forum for African feminists to share their ideas. The innovation encouraged by Feminist Africa enables authors to experiment with different ways of engaging with their readers.

All issues of Feminist Africa are freely available on their website. You can read the newest issue and browse their archives here.