June 15th, at the US Embassy, Lagos. The Visa Officer, a stern man with an earpiece, sits behind the glass of booth 5. A Nigerian F-1 Visa applicant stands on the other side, tensed yet determined. The interview opens, and the atmosphere is tense

visa officer: [adjusts earpiece]
good morning, young man, please step forward a little,
& pass me your I-20 and passport
applicant: [steps forward, with confidence]
good morning, officer, here they are.

visa officer: [a cold glance]
i see you’re going to Alabama.
many like you come here with big dreams
but not all dreams open this door.
for the distance between your dreams & reality is here.
so, why the states? what’s your plan?
applicant: [Firmly]
to learn, to grow, to rise above,
to chase knowledge,
& to sharpen my argument
with an MFA in poetry

visa officer:
many say they’ll come, study, and go,
but they stay, we know this truth.
what ensures your return, tell me?
What ties you here?
a bond to nigeria, to my kins and kindred,
to opurieokwuzie
to okoroafor — who begets okoli, ude, iroegbu, abel
to okoli — who begets madukwe, ogbonnaya, onyeme
to ogbonnaya (pesuwa) — who begets agufushi, sunday, elozona
to eziudo, where my father agufushi once drank from
to bring back home what i’ll win.
but if you doubt, then hear me:
your denial won’t make my dream sway.

visa officer: [raises an eyebrow]
your words are bold, but words alone won’t leave a mark.
show me strength, beyond mere hopes of a fleeting season.
applicant: [leaning in]
my strength lies in the resolve that you can see.
if denied, i’ll find another route.
know this — dreams denied do not lose strength.

visa officer: [adjusts earpiece again, with a hint of curiosity]
a question lingers in the air,
your funds. how will you take care of it?
I have secured a full tuition scholarship,
Ninety thousand dollars,
a solid base.

visa officer:
yet a deficit looms, twelve thousand more,
who will bear this?
in afrika, we believe in communal strength that never dies.
my uncle, stands as a pillar — he’ll cover all my living needs,

visa officer:
communal ways are good, but here we seek more than dreams.
prove to me, your uncle’s might in black and white.
applicant: [handing over a letter]
here, his letter, sealed and signed,
a testament to his support.
in ezira, we lift each other high.

visa officer: [stamps the paper]
denied this time, return when proof has grown.
your dreams alone won’t open this door.
[hands him a blue paper]

applicant: [takes the paper, unfazed]
denied today, but not deterred,
i’ll find my way, & return with more to say.

The applicant turns and walks away, the embers of his dream burning brighter. The visa officer watches, a flicker of respect in his eyes. And the light fades.