Northern Nigeria witnessed a landmark event in July 2024: the inaugural Kano International Poetry Festival (KAPFEST). Conceived by the Poetic Wednesdays Initiative, a youth-led non-profit, KAPFEST brought together established and aspiring poets, scholars, and artists for a vibrant literary celebration.

The journey to KAPFEST began in 2016 with a simple hashtag, #PoeticWednesday. Founder Salim Yunusa envisioned a platform to nurture artistic talent and foster a love for literature in northern Nigeria. Over eight years, Poetic Wednesdays grew into a full-fledged organization, hosting workshops, competitions, and book drives. The natural next step was the curation the region’s first-ever international poetry festival.

Organizing KAPFEST was no easy feat. Yunusa describes it as “driving at full speed blindfolded,” filled with fundraising challenges and logistical hurdles. However, the passion and dedication of the Poetic Wednesdays team, along with crucial support from friends, family, and even individual donations, brought the vision to life.

The three-day festival offered a diverse program. Panel discussions explored the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative writing, the enduring relevance of poetry, and the burgeoning art of spoken word. Literary scholars tackled the challenge of preserving traditional Hausa poetry in a rapidly changing world. A highlight was a panel dedicated to “Hausa Poetry: Past, Present, and Beyond,” featuring renowned Professor Ibrahim Malumfashi. Poetry slams provided a platform for up-and-coming talents. Established artists like Bello Ibrahim Billy’O and Maryam Sangandale joined rising stars to fill the stage with poems exploring love, culture, and identity. Salim Yunusa reflects on the impact of KAPFEST:

We understand the importance of a platform – that’s why we’re providing one – no matter how small it is: we’re giving our young and upcoming poets and artists a chance to grow, to be seen, and to excel. We are providing a platform to celebrate and honor our veterans and unsung heroes. It is why we are naming our poetry slam after the celebrated activist and poet, the late Alhaji Mudi Sipikin. We are providing a platform to preserve, document, and propagate the rich culture of artistry and expression among our youths.

Beyond the festival itself, Yunusa emphasizes the importance of KAPFEST as a platform for young artists. Poetic Wednesdays hopes KAPFEST will inspire and empower a new generation of poets, writers, and artists. The success of KAPFEST is a testament to the power of community and unwavering passion. From a simple hashtag to a historic event, Poetic Wednesdays has carved a space for emerging literary voices to be heard and celebrated on a global stage.

Check out some photos from this incredible event below!