You remember the first time you saw her. You will always remember. Not because the sun shone brighter or the wind was calmer. But because she smiled at you.

You remember her caramel pupils as they pierced through your soul. And her soft silky hair swaying with the wind. You remember, oh so elaborately, the dress she wore as it clung to her body and showed the most delicate curves and edges.

You’d seen her before. In a past life maybe. She was your lover, your other soul. She was your mate in another world. It fit so perfectly, you and her.

You were in love with her, because she smiled at you.

You will always remember how bright the stars were that night. Not as bright as the smile you had seen earlier that afternoon though. The stars, they seemed closer, you could almost touch them. It was a wave of so many shades of blue. If you were an artist, you’d have painted it. Only, it would end up being a painting of her.

When you closed your eyes, you knew how beautifully you’d sleep. And how wonderfully you’d dream. You were in love, because she smiled at you.

The second time you saw her, she wasn’t alone. It was a long time since the first time, but it didn’t matter. You saw her and she smiled again, but it wasn’t for you. There was someone else. She looked at him the way she looked at you the first time. The way you were looking at her in that moment. She held him and melted into his embrace. And with every wrinkle that appeared as she smiled even more, you could hear your heart break.

The sky was dark and the air was stiff. She took all the colours as she switched her gaze and now everything was grey. Everything was plain and dull. The clouds would have been pretty if they weren’t so dark. The grass would have been a pleasure to touch if it wasn’t so dried and brown.

How could she so easily forget? How could she smile at another? How could she give you all the colours in the universe and take them away so soon?

The last time you saw her, it was the longest. She had changed, you too. Her eyes weren’t so bright and her features not so sharp. She was alone this time and you wondered what had happened.

She was looking at you now, but she wasn’t smiling. She looked like she hadn’t smiled in a long while. Had it been that long? You tried to smile back but you couldn’t. She was looking at you, holding you with her eyes. You couldn’t look away, you couldn’t go to her, you couldn’t do anything. So, you stared back.

Slowly, you started to feel something again. It was warm and calm. You knew it was her. You held her gaze as much as she held yours and hoped that the feeling would grow and blossom.

Little by little, you could see the sun. The clouds were white and clean. You could feel the wind blow softly against your skin, through your hair, and into your heart. Somehow, her hold on you was loosening and you were able to smile. It came from within you before it even showed on your lips. Was this how she felt every time she smiled? It didn’t feel like your smile. It felt like hers. Like she was smiling through you.

When you opened your eyes, she was smiling, just like you.

It was her!

There it was. The reason you loved her without even knowing her. And just like that, it was back again. All the feelings and colours. Your love and daydreams. Your passion and joy.

You were in love again, because she smiled at you.











Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels