I was looking through Taiye Selasi’s Twitter photos and found this one of her and Teju Cole. I couldn’t find out anything about where the picture was taken. The accompanying tweet simply says: “The incomparable Mister Cole.” It’s a lovely picture. Selasi’s smile has a touch of giddiness that a sister might have at meeting a brother. Cole has on his usual suave and collected demeanor, but you can tell he’s just as delighted to be by Selasi’s side.
The image got me thinking about African writers in each other’s company. Reading their work, it’s hard to tell if African writers ever take the load off and just relax. The image of the serious African writer is familiar. So I put together a collection of photos of African writers hanging out, acting silly, or having fun.
Thereis so much about writing that is about friendship and community, as you can see in these photos.

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