When the behind-the-scene video is cool enough to be an official video, you know it’s all going to be worth the wait. “Princess of China” is a song from Coldplay’s Mylo Xyloto album. I’ve read enough fairytales to expect princesses to have their castles, ball gowns, and enchanted rings. But it’s Rihanna and she’s the Princess of China (P. O. C.), so the script is a little different. She’s a kungfu princess playing with swords, sexy make up and Samurai moves. And Chris Martins is as handsome and mysterious-looking as ever. The lyrics of “Prince of China” may not be the sexiest and smartest lyrics ever written by Coldplay, a band known for deep and perplexing writing, but the video would be pretty and cool. Really can’t wait for this to come out.


Feature Image: Ruth St. Denis in a Burmese Solo dance.