Taiye Selasi was born to a Nigerian father and a Ghanaian mother in London and was raised in Boston. She is a successful novelist, a brilliant writer, and a fashionista. In her world, smartness and style are clearly not in opposition, but what makes her, in my book, the sexiest African female novelist?
1. Let’s begin with the obvious. She has an amazing body. Tall, dark-skinned, natural-hair beauty. Her style is also ridiculously fly.
2. She is a not just a writer but a novelist. Fiction writing has got to be one of the sexist professions. Weaving tapestries of stories that make people laugh, cry, learn, and love, that whisk them away into an imaginary world of intrigues and possibilities. If that’s not sexy, I don’t know what is.
3. She lives in three of the hippest cities in the world—Rome, New York, and New Delhi.
4. She pretty much invented a word. Ever heard of the word Afropolitan? She popularized it.
5. Her debut novel Ghana Must Go is making waves in the global literary market. It was released in March 2013 and is already being sold in 16 countries. Does this mean that she is making plenty of sexy cheese? We hope so.
If all that did not convince you, I have the pictures to prove it.
Christopher Clark April 17, 2014 04:23
Thought this might be of interest to you. A new interview with Taiye Selasi that I published recently: http://urbantimes.co/2014/04/inbetweener-taiye-selasi/