
YOU broke my CD yesterday
Brymo’s raspy voice spilled out
lamenting about merchants, wicked dealers and slaves

  • it was an accident

I put too much pepper that night
You ate, sweated and cried
drinking two bottles of chilled water

  • I cannot measure well

You forget your phone a lot
more these days and I
see breasts that are not mine

  • The lies don’t come as fast

I still moan when you touch me
Stitching together my orgasm
from memories

  • Another’s name echoes loudly

He is cheating on you
and you know about his affairs
leave him or se won sepe fun e ni

  • they were friends not too long ago

I still aged even you stopped
wishing me long life and prosperity

  • the present I bought came early this year

You announced our break up
this morning when I had a knife in my hands

  • you soon realized your mistake

I would rather die with you
than be alone. Our hatred

  • more familiar than loneliness.




Image by Irene Grassi via Flickr.

About the Author:

adesewaAdesewa Adesina–Adesewa is a self-proclaimed agbejoro. An expert weaver of the whispers in her head with the tales she borrowed from maami. She is partial to poetry but don’t tell fiction. She is also an Orisa worship enthusiast who is convinced that Obatala is the ultimate man crush. The only way to win her heart is through her oriki. She is a drinker of palmwine, lover of music and collector of strange words.