
THE KALAHARI spoke to her

Its red tongue flicking an ancient lingo of omens and signs
Saying, come unpick mysteries of yesterday’s world
long forgotten

The blood stained desert sands wore dry riverbeds like scars
And at night the dunes flowed like a seamless red ocean

The Kalahari spoke to her

The desert lions hunt tonight, it whispered
And she saw them hidden in the shadow of camel thorn trees,
Eyes glowing green under the bright full moon

All around her
The spirits of the ancients rode the night breeze,
And timeless stars painted ancient stories in the sky,
When she knelt down to kiss the art imprinted on rocks
She heard them whisper the breathy voices of the past

This is how the Kalahari spoke to her




Post image by vince42 via Flickr.

About the Author:

portrait-rogersJodi Sky Rogers is an Eco-Intuitive Teacher/Writer who explores the wild path to feminine healing and grace. She draws inspiration from Nature for writing, spiritual guidance and healing. She is the author of Flowering Within and Wild Essence.