Tsitsi Danganrembga, the renowned Zimbabwean writer and filmmaker who gave us the groundbreaking novel Nervous Conditions, will be teaching master classes at the Durban International Film Festival’s FilmMart 2017, on the adaptation of literature to film. Her lecture is titled “From Novel To Script,” and after it, she will be in conversation with Busisiwe Ntintili.
While she first made her name in writing, Tsitsi’s fame is also massive in film. In 1996, she founded Nyerai Films, a production company that saw her become the first black Zimbabwean woman to direct a film, Everyone’s Child. She also wrote the screenplay to Zimbabwe’s highest-grossing film, Neria. Nyerai Films has since been a channel through which she has brought women into the film industry. Her company is currently adapting Imran Garder’s novel The Thunder That Roars.
In a phone conversation with African Independent‘s Helen Herimbi, she stated:
It’s really nice because I look at it as recognition of the contribution I have made to film on the continent and in the region. I look forward to meeting with the new generation of filmmakers. That’s always interesting.
Read the full article here.
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