Akowdee Magazine recently released their sophomore issue. This new issue, released on August 30th, centers around the theme “our souls are made from tiny rebellions.”

The editors reflect on the theme and their position as writers in the Foreword:

As writers it is our sacred duty to serve as the chroniclers of this evolution through storytelling. Whether woven from the colorful threads of imagination, meticulously researched from past events or existing somewhere between non-fiction and fiction. We are the mirrors reflecting the presence, the windows of the past, and the prophet of the future.

Anuoluwa Ngozi is the founder of Akowdee Magazine. Akowdee publishes stories that “defy language, traditions, and politics.” This digital literary hub is meant to be a place where rebellious artists can bring awareness to their creations.

In the introduction to the issue, Anuoluwa Ngozi wants readers to know that revolution through storytelling is at the forefront of the purpose of writing. Storytelling involves the culmination of the past, present, and future. Whether it manifests itself in cultural traditions or scientific revolution, there is a place for all kinds of stories.

Here is a little more about what Anuoluwa Ngozi has to say about the issue:

It’s my earnest yearning that like our contributing writers, that you find sanctuary and solace within the pages of these digitalized revolution and that like us, you take up the torch as we birth a brave new world for us and the ones to come.

This issue includes different prose, poetry, drama, virtual stories, and essay pieces. These pieces were chosen to fit the theme of evolution through storytelling.

“When Flesh Summons” by Chukwuemeka Famous is a featured fiction short story in this issue. This set of stories feature the human experience of loss and familial ties. Famous manifests African folklore into these stories through the passage of time that is embodied in these characters.

“When Flesh Summons” fits along with the theme of the issue, “our souls are made from tiny rebellions.” It insinuates that the stories passed along generations help form the beliefs of new generations. Go here to read the full “When Flesh Summons” story and to hear more about Chukwuemeka Famous.

“For a body that flew” by Emmanuel G.G. Yamba is a featured poem in this issue. Yamba intersects the feeling of grief with faith and memory. The memories associated with loss are complex, in this case they involve not only physical loss, but the emotional loss concerning the uncertainty of the future.

“For a body that flew” is a great fit for Akowdee’s theme. People’s existence comes from a mix of what’s familiar to them as well as the unknown, in this case the aftermath of physical and emotional loss. Go here to read “For a body that flew” and to read more about Emmanuel G.G. Yamba.

There are many more fiction and poetry pieces as well as non-fiction and literary criticism pieces that are included in this issue. From criticism on contemporary Nigerian literature to stories about African folklore, this issue has a variety of pieces that each uniquely explore the theme of storytelling.

You can read and download this new issue as well as their inaugural issue for free on their website.

  • Edited by: Prince Ihe, Anuoluwa Ngozi, Joemario Umana, Iwebema Emmanuel, Victor Mairo, Sharon Oluwalana, and Edwin C. Favour
  • Cover image by: Tony Luginisland
  • Graphics Design by: Anuoluwa Ngozi