Whoever you think you are
Don’t measure those musings
With yardsticks that cannot
Measure its own worth

Here is a Purple Heart for the
Women who came before us
Female warriors who were the
Equal of their measurements
Shield-maidens in their own right

Don’t exchange your nightmare
For someone’s daydream
If it massages their ego
Someday it would bruise yours
Or, swap your magic touch
For some tragic torch –
It’s a thin line between bright
Light and enduring light

Whatever you do,
Make the girl you were,
Proud of the woman you become.
A becoming that came in batches,
And yet matches –
Is unbelievably beautiful
The equal of purple hibiscus

Remember, you are an
Embodiment of worthiness
You owe nobody explanation
For the imperfections of your body
It’s for the flaws of nature
That storm is wild and carefree,
And calm soothing with cuddling

So, take no shame
Share no flower
Yours are the pride of
A hundred roses
And a hundred thorns of cultivars
The offshoot of eminence











Photo by Jairo David Arboleda from Pexels