In his visit to Chicago, Zimbabwean writer, T.L Huchu, completed the Chicago Marathon on October 13th! He shared on his Instagram that he completed the 26.2 mile (42.2 kilometer) race with a time of 4:32:30.

He often shares his passion of running through his Instagram, and he has completed other races across the world. From the Strathclyde Half Marathon in Scotland to the Accra International Marathon in Ghana, Huchu has accomplished a lot in the world of running.

Though of course Huchu isn’t just an accomplished runner, but an accomplished author as well. His debut fiction series, Edinburgh Nights, was a major success. The fourth installment of the series, The Legacy of Arniston House, comes out on November 12th.

How he finds time to write between training for all of his marathons remains a mystery.

T.L. Huchu is the winner of a Hurston/Wright Legacy Award, an Alex Award, the Children’s Africana Book Award, the Nommo Award for Best Novel, and has been shortlisted for the Grand Prix de I’lmaginaire and the Caine Prize.

Whether it’s running races around the world or publishing novels, T.L. Huchu finds success in both endeavors, and we are excited to see where his running, and writing, takes him!


If you want to see more photos of his endeavors, physical of literary, check out his Instagram!






Image via Instagram