Ugandan author Tramaine Suubi is the guest editor for the Fall 2024 issue Yellow Arrow Journal, a publication that supports the works of women writers and artists. The issue is title Kitalo.

Suubi introduces the collection with a reflection on the theme of grief and solidarity:

Kitalo” is an empathetic Luganda term of solidarity offered when someone experiences a spectrum of loss. Directly translating to ‘this/that is tragic’ but far richer than that, the term and the pieces within the journal issue represent so much that we want to say on the concept of griefulness, as individuals and as a collective. We truly hope that the offerings within kitalo are as fulfilling for you as they were for us.

The issue gathers a diverse group of voices exploring grief, resilience, and healing through various forms of art and storytelling, bringing together the personal and the collective in a powerful way.

Suubi is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and has published widely. Her full length poetry collection, phases, in January 2025, and another poetry collection, stages, in January 2026. Both collections are set to be published by Amistad.

Suubi is joined on the editorial team for Kitalo by cover artist Liz Jakimow, cover designer Alexa Laharty, and the journal Editor-in-Chief is Kapua Iao.

Read more about Yellow Arrow Publishing here.