Addiction /addictio/

Addiction is a wasting flower. There are thousands of species and hybrids. It blooms and fades as all flowers do, only it cannot fade alone. It takes with it the light and beauty of its surroundings. It blooms on a climbing plant that grows secretly, often without anyone noticing.  It’s the flower that no one ever thinks would bloom. No one really wants it to bloom not because the flower is not pleasing to the eye.  The petals are a milky lavender like some rare Hibiscus. It is shaped like a clover, odorless, and waxy like a Camellia. Those who encounter a blooming addiction are always captivated by it’s beauty. Addiction is a hardy flower. As time passes, it fades to a dirty beige–the color of semen–and finally to a blotchy white. Natural Habitat: the body.

Calendar of Care: plant in winter. Pot in a shallow 3-inch mind. The cold winter sun is good, but in small doses. Feed rarely. Once in a lifetime if possible.


Photo Credit: Image envision