I am in love with this piece written by a writer called GayKindaLove. It’s part of a literary project spearheaded by HOLAAfrica!— A PanAfricanist Queer Womanist Collective and hosted by interruptmag.com, the utterly fabulous literary collective that fosters participatory media.

“I would marry you if I wasn’t already in love with your words. I’d scribble my affection all over your body just like those tattoos you elegantly wear and adorn you with piercing attention so you never feel the solitude of your world. I’d assure your immortality so we can bask in never ending pillow talks after our sexual debates as we mend the broken limbs from the wilderness. After every intimate communion, the scars on your body would make known the tales of how I worshipped the tone of your voice wrapped in moans translating pleasure, those intimate narrations of your soul. Your speech would be cluttered with words of how your spirit travelled every corner of paradise owing to my caress, how you tapped out of Devil’s Cradle sprinting to my rescue so you can tan in the pleasures of my embrace and you would debut to the world the pages as you jotted them out from my womanhood.”
Samuel Okopi November 15, 2013 02:50
Poetic prose! Loved the fluid and vivid flow of words, which mirrors the message of the writ.