The stage adaptation of Lola Shoneyin’s novel The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives drew quite the crowd in a London theater on December 19. The two performances scheduled on the same day were sold out.

Femi Elufowoju Jr. and Babatunde Rotimi—who collaborated on the premier of the play in Nigeria a couple of years ago—reprise their roles as director and writer, respectively.

Cast members were some of the best Nigeria had to offer, including media personality Marcy Dolapo Oni who played the lead character Bolanle. From what we gather from all the celebratory posts on social media, the play was a success.

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives is one of those cross-over stories that do well in just about any kind of genre–play, film, etc. It tells the story of Baba Segi, a Lagos business man, and all the shocking intrigues in his polygamous family. The novel is packed full with humor and tons of drama. You’ll laugh, cry, and wonder at the delusions of men who imagine they are lords of their harems but are actually the butts of everyone’s joke.

Congrats to Elufowoju Jr., Shoneyin, Rotimi, and the cast and crew for working on such a beautiful project!

Check out all the lovely photos from the event.


Cast members during rehearsalsCast and Crew in London


Cast member during rehearsal


Photos of the performance.



A little snippet from #thesecretlivesofbabasegiswives

A video posted by Princess Dolapo Sijuwade (@marcydolapooni) on


*********** Images from The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives Facebook page