Nigerian writer and filmmaker Umar Turaki’s new drama series, In Love and Ashes, has premiered. The series stars Nollywood icon Patience Ozokwor, as well as Charles Etubiebi, Nafisat Abdullahi, Sani Danja, Tijjani Usman Faraga, Anita Pam and Meg Otanwa. And it comes with a soundtrack by superstar singer Tu Baba. In Love and Ashes is produced by Watershed Entertainment and directed by Turaki.

Here is a synopsis on YouTube.

IN LOVE AND ASHES is a compelling eight-part drama series. It is a story about loss, regret, forgiveness, and the incredible human spirit and its capacity for healing. It is a narrative of hope in the face of disaster, a bitter-sweet tale that highlights the social, humanitarian and moral challenges that bedevil communities and their inhabitants that have experienced violent extremism in north eastern Nigeria.

Set in Maiduguri, the series showcases a cast that accentuates love over hate and draws the moral conclusion that to overcome extremism, all stakeholders must rise above ethnic and religious differences and jointly fight back the menace.

Umar Turaki.

In Love and Ashes airs weekly, since April, 2018, on NTA and Ebonylife Tv (DSTV channel 165). Viewers can also catch up with the episodes and behind the scenes content a week after broadcast on the series’ YouTube page.

Follow the latest updates from In Love and Ashes on the series’ social media pages: Facebook, Twitter with @inloveandashes, and Instagram with Viewers will also be able to join in the conversation with the hashtag #InLoveAndAshes #NotAnotherNigerian and #WeAreOne.