Leila Aboulela (M) at a Sudan Revolution rally in Aberdeen, Scotland. Image from Aboulela’s Facebook Page.

What did writers do on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook recently? As with our first and second volumes in the series, we went through some timelines to bring you what has been happening.

Leila Aboulela Reading Poetry at a Sudanese Revolution Support Rally in Aberdeen Is the Political Inspiration We Need

The post in full:

My words to the young women who were raped at the Khartoum sit-in attack early this month

Yesterday at the protest organized by the Sudanese community in Aberdeen, I read out my poem:

To the young women who were raped at the sit-in attack

Know that you are innocent and honourable.

You did not lose your purity,

You did not lose your beauty,

You did not lose your intellect.

To the women who were raped at the sit-in attack, my young sisters,

Know that you are innocent and honourable.

It is he, the criminal, who violated the oath of loyalty he had sworn, misused the gun he was entrusted with, betrayed the uniform which elevated him.

It is he who is dishonourable, not you.

And you did not lose your purity.

It is he who is tainted, not you.

And you did not lose your beauty, nor your intellect. You did not lose your future.

It is he who is covered with shame, not you.

And you did not lose your future, it is still there waiting for you.

Lift up your head so you can see it.

#KhartoumMassacre#SudanRevolution #SudanUprising

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Tsitsi Dangarembga on Sexism in Zimbabwean Culture Criticism


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Gerald Kraak Prize 2019 Winner OluTimehin Adegbeye Says Big Brother Naija Employee Andre Blaze Henshaw Sexually Assaulted Her

Novuyo Rosa Tshuma on Book Distribution in Africa versus in the West

Nnedi Okorafor on the Mislabeling of Her Binti Trilogy as Fantasy Rather Than Science Fiction

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Billy Kahora Reads from New Story Collection, The Cape Cod Bicycle War, at the Hargeysa Book Fair in Somaliland 

President Buhari of Nigeria Congratulated Lesley Nneka Arimah on Her Caine Prize Win

And this is her after a book reading in Lagos.

President Ramaphosa of South Africa Quoted Koleka Putuma

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s, um, Dance