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A new edition of Abubakar Adam Ibrahim’s The Whispering Trees is out in Cassava Shorts, a new series published by Cassava Republic to “showcase gripping stories by celebrated and emerging authors.”

The Whispering Trees, originally published in 2012, is a collection of short stories capturing life in Northern Nigeria in vivid colors and a rich cast of characters.

The book is appealing for a few reasons. In many of his writings, Ibrahim loves to blend realities. This collection is no different. Some of the stories are woven around strange events that no one can really explain. Indeed, they are magical tales, leaving the reader tingly with wonder.

The book is also appealing for Ibrahim’s writing style. He writes to really pique the reader’s imagination. Even in those stories in the collection where nothing explicitly supernatural happens, the pacing of the story and the perfect pitch of his style makes the fictional worlds feel dreamlike.

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We are particularly excited that this week’s featured book is a collection of short stories. Short stories are great appetizers for the curious reader. And when read in short bursts, they are a good fit for a reader with a busy schedule.

Abubakar Adam Ibrahim is an award-winning writer. His stories have been published in Granta and several anthologies. he won the Nigerian Prize for Literature in 2016 for his debut novel Season of Crimson Blossoms. 

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