“They say beware of Brief Delight and Lasting Shame”
So I traded my soul for fantasies
I was reborn and revived as a vessel in the form of a vinyl doll
to be used by the devil himself.
What a selfish and wicked World.

I walked the earth with pride and astonishing pulchritude,
but deep down my soul was anguished,
I was tormented by demons and covered in silk of loneliness.
In my lonely hours I begged for redemption but all I got was torture
And then I fell in love with the devil, I would say it was a bittersweet moment.

“I heard he is evil, that he hasn’t come out of the closet yet
I warned him not to tread this path”
These were the voices heard in the dark
I was so blind I couldn’t even see the light
through the holey silk of loneliness covering me.

I want to be hexed by the devil
This being’s aura exudes sex appeal
I still couldn’t let go
It was dawn as I walked through a narrow path
I felt the cool breeze of nature on my thick hairy skin
Oh! I’m still human
What a beautiful nature.



Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels