Solaris Books, part of the publishing arm of leading European games development company Rebellion, announces What Brings You Here, a speculative fiction travel anthology edited by award-winning editors Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki and Somto Ihezue. 

The anthology is seeking submissions that explore time, place, and history in relation to travel both actual and imagined, that are attentive to the politics of gender, region, culture, and forced or voluntary movement. The editors hope to highlight the intersection of travel and arrival with issues of marginalization, accessibility to resources, climate change, war, immigration, anti-imperialism, and dreams of a better future.

Ekpeki first conceived of this unique anthology when he faced challenges traveling to Chicago for Worldcon 2022. He explains:

It was inspired by the difficulties I faced travelling to the US and other states in the global North, from the global south. Difficulties, which many persons like myself without passport and other privileges have faced while trying to access the wider world. I believe that these kinds of stories need to be told and heard, and they, like the people that hold them, be allowed to fly free and soar high, unburdened by the shackles of borders and prejudices. It brings me great joy to work on a project like this and towards a world where this is all someday possible. Thankful to Solaris and happy to work with them, in helping make this happen.

You can read more about this exciting project here!

Submissions for What Brings You Here are currently open until September 30, 2024.

There is a flexible word limit of 5,000.

Please send your stories as an attachment, and any questions, to the editors at [email protected].

Good luck to all applicants!