The Jhalak Prizes have announced their longlist for the 2025 edition! The prose, poetry, and children’s & YA prizes have a list of twelve books each in consideration for the final award.

Among the longlisted are a number of authors in the African diaspora. American-born British-Libyan Hisham Matar, for instance, is on the Jhalak Prose Prize longlist for My Friends, which is also on the longlist for the Booker Prize and a finalist for the National Book Award. Also on the prose longlist is Nigerian-British Onyi Nwabineli’s novel Allow Me to Introduce Myself and Aniefiok Ekpoudom’s social history Where We Come From.

The poetry prize longlist includes British-Nigerian Gboyega Odubanjo’s collection ​Adam and Nigerian Chibundu Onuzo’s children’s book Mayowa and the Sea of Words is on the longlist for the children’s & YA prize.

First awarded in March 2017, the Jhalak Prize awards seek to celebrate books by writers of color in the UK and Ireland. The shortlists will be announced on April 22 and the winners of each of the three prizes will be announced on June 4.

See the full longlist for each category below!



Children’s & YA