It is not always as clear as
Cluster-fuck or wild success,
Bombed out city or rising metropolis,
Virgin or whore,
Basket case or rising power,
Starvation or gluttony,
Mugabe or Mandela,
Public transport or limousine,
Democracy or corruption,
Rape by a stranger on a dark night or synchronized orgasm under the stars,
Burqa or bikini.
This work was developed during the African Women’s Development Fund and Femrite African Women Creative Non-Fiction Writing Workshop in Uganda, July 2014.”
Post Image: “Silence of Thought” by Moroccan artist Lalla Essaydi. See more of Essaydi’s stunning art work HERE.
About the Author:
Jen Thorpe is a feminist writer and researcher from Cape Town, South Africa. She is a passionate advocate for women’s rights and has worked in this field for six years. She has an MA in Politics from Rhodes University, and recently completed her first novel ‘The Peculiars’ through the UCT Creative Writing Masters Programme. Look for it in stores soon.
adaliadella October 03, 2017 04:04
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