As one effect of the current global pandemic, teachers and professors across the world have moved their classes online. Namwali Serpell recently reinvigorated the notion of remote-teaching by “tweaching” — tweeting a lecture for a course she is currently teaching at the University of California-Berkeley, ENGL 145: Writing Technology.

According to the course’s Twitter profile, ENGL 145 is about “essays, stories, novels, films, and television shows that speculate about current, alternative, dystopian, and future technologies.” The lecture Serpell tweeted was titled “The Sublime and The Zany: A Twitterish Lecture on the Aesthetics of the Network.”

Serpell explained that she prepped the tweet thread in a Word document, and while it “took longer than a lecture script,” it was “shorter than prepping a PowerPoint.”

Serpell’s “tweaching” is a brilliant exploitation of a social media platform’s capabilities that puts to work the very idea of “writing technologies.” Perhaps we will see more “tweaching” in the future?

For the full lecture Serpell “twaught,” which spans 75 tweets, click here.