Tsitsi Dangarembga, who was recently shortlisted for the Booker Prize, has been appointed international chair of creative writing at The University of East Anglia, one of the UK’s most prestigious creative writing program.
The Bookseller reports that the newly created year-long position will see Dangarembga “deliver a program of literary events, classes and workshops across the African continent and in the UK from 2021 to 2022.” Four more prominent writers will be appointed over the next five years, “each with a year-long remit to find, nurture and promote new voices from that region.”
The initiative will be complemented by Global Voices scholarships, offering 50 fully paid places on UEA’s MA course over five years.
The University of East Anglia (UEA) is notable for its frequent collaboration with African literature. Winners of the now defunct Etisalat Prize for Literature were offered, in addition to a cash prize, a year-long residency at UEA. Also, the Miles Morland Foundation annually sponsors a fully-funded creative writing scholarship to a post-graduate student at UEA.
On her appointment, Dangarembga said: “I am honored to be appointed international chair of creative writing (Africa) at UEA. This position enables me to continue to pursue my long-time passion of raising awareness concerning the importance of creative writing in society in southern Africa. It is a welcome opportunity for me and emerging African writers to connect with the highly distinguished UEA program in creative writing.”
Go here for more details.
Brittle Paper congratulates Tsitsi Dangarembga!
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