Join the African Writer Magazine Conversation Hub tomorrow in a collective review forum on Kunle Afolayan’s latest film, Citation.

Citation is the story of a talented Nigerian graduate student, Moremi, and her struggle to defend herself against the advances of a visiting professor at her university. The title alone hints at the film’s inquiry into academic integrity coupled with identity politics, and has sparked public interest in the real events that inspired Afolayan.

In response to Citation‘s popularity and the cultural discourse it has sparked, African Writer Magazine convened a panel of rising scholars to discuss the institutional implications depicted in the film. The advertisement elaborates,

Citation highlights the web of power in which female students are caught. Certainly, this web results from a patriarchal culture of violence on the female subject. In this cinematic iteration of this issue, Afolayan invites us to reconsider the structure of power and the complicity of knowledge in perpetuating violence on the female subject.

The review forum takes place on December 11 at 10:00 AM (CST) via Zoom.

Click here to register.

Due to limitations on the webinar capacity, this forum will also be broadcast on the African Writer Magazine YouTube Channel.

Panel Discussants

Professor Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo (Professor of Literary Studies, award-winning writer, and author of Gender Issues in Nigeria)

Dr. Abimbola Adelakun (Assistant Professor at the University of Texas-Austin and Columnist for The Punch)

Dr. Lola Akande (Lecturer at the University of Lagos and author of What It Takes)

Tunde Babalola (Screenwriter, Citation)

Astou Fall Gueye (PhD Candidate, African Cultural Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Conveners: Tolulope Akinwole, Mosunmola Adeojo, Theophilus Okunlola, Michael Oshindoro

Watch the trailer for Citation below: