The 2023 Afritondo Short Story Prize ceremony is happening next week and we encourage you to register for this online award ceremony to find out the winner of the 2023 Prize live. The event will take place on Friday, April 7 at 6 PM GMT (or 12 PM CT).

The Afritondo Short Story Prize is an annual writing competition for Black and African writers. The theme of the 2023 prize is “aliens”. At the ceremony, the five shortlisted writers will read excerpts and discuss their stories.

The five finalists for the 2023 prize are:

  • Ayo Awoyungbo – “The Man From Abeokuta”

  • Jenny Robson – “The Sister-in-law”

  • Enit’ayanfe Ayosojumi Akinsanya – “The Anatomy Of Flying Things”

  • Ani Kayode Somtochukwu – “Grey Is A Colour That Never Stains”

  • Alex Kadiri – “The Hyena And The Two-Headed Goat”

This year’s judges — Doreen Baingana, Efemia Chela, and Ayesha Harruna Attah — commended the quality and range of entries in the longlist as well as the creative ways in which the writers explored the theme of the prize:

These stories took us on journeys that were wild, tender, surreal, and heartbreaking; all of them unpacking the varied meanings, joys, pain and power of being “alien”.

Whether as outsiders in a new place or strangers at home, these stories sensitively explored relationships, community and identity in remarkably fresh ways. A confirmation, yet again, that the African short story is alive and kicking!

The winner will receive a cash reward of $1,000, while the four finalists will receive $100 each. All longlisted writers will be published in an anthology this summer.

The online award ceremony will take place this Friday, April 7, 6 PM GMT (UK time) / April 7, 12 PM CT (US time).

Register for free here.

This is a great opportunity to listen to emerging writers and celebrate with them as months of hard work and patience come to an end. Good luck to all the finalists!