Hello Brittle Paperians! It’s time for another anthology and this time we are giving in to what we know everyone is talking about: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Submissions are now open and will close on May 15.

It is near impossible to go online and not see the progress that AI has made over the past few years. Whether you’re excited by it or a bit on the fence, AI has everyone talking. So, write and send us your AI-inspired poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and essays and you might just be in our Brittle Paper AI-themed anthology. Remember that this is AI-inspired, so no getting any help from your chatbots!

Submission Guidelines:

  • Poetry submission word limit: 500 words
  • Fiction, Nonfiction, and Essay submission word limit: 3500 words
  • Include an author picture and biography
  • Simultaneous submissions are allowed but each submission needs to consist of only one piece of original and unpublished work.
  • Submissions need to be in Word format
  • Selection process will take place after the deadline, and late submissions may not be included in the selection process.
  • Email subject heading: AI Anthology Submission
  • Email your submission to [email protected]

Submit here.

DEADLINE: May 15, 2023

Happy Writing! Or as they say in binary, 01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01010111 01110010 01101001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100001.