The Covenant University Literary and Debate Society (CULDS) located in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria is hosting a writers’ conference on June 3. The theme is “Bearing Witness: Immortalizing the Truth.”
Those with a pen and a voice are often responsible for twisting social issues and the narratives revolving around certain groups. Many times, these people present one-sided and prejudiced perspectives of the world, weaponizing their privilege against those who do not wield that same power.
In a time when African literature and art is growing exponentially, the CULDS Writers’ Conference will facilitate conversations which investigate the responsibility of writers to represent the truths of the world in their desired medium, and the challenges that accompany said responsibility.
Events include a panel discussion and Q/A session with special guests, spoken word performances (featuring Spotify’s most streamed spoken word artist), food, and entertainment in the form of drama, dance, comedy, etc.
This year, special guests include short story writer and essayist Innocent Chizaram Ilo, filmmaker Korede Azeez, and poet and editor Jide Badmus.
Attend the CULDS Writers’ Conference, if you are in the area! It will be a great learning experience for writers and readers alike.
Date: June 3, 2023
Location: Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria
Registration Fee: 5,000 Naira
Register here.
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