Nigerian-American poet and dancer Oluwaseun Olayiwola is set to publish his debut poetry collection titled Strange BeachIt will be released by Soft Skull Press in the US and Granta in the UK.

He shared the news on Twitter:

Strange Beach examines being a queer Nigerian-American man in a different country, far from home. The collection of poems explores the themes of sex, love, death and loss.

Based on the description, it sounds like it will joins the ranks of works celebrating queer experiences by poets such as Romeo Oriogun. We cannot wait to delve deep into what is sure to be stunning new queer poetry by Olayiwola.

Olayiwola is a Nigerian-American dancer, choreographer, poet, and critic based in London. He recently completed his MFA in Choreography from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music in Dance where developed the hybrid choreo-poetic practice he utilizes in his live performance and written work. He was awarded a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to pursue his MFA in the UK.

Congrats to Olayiwola!