Budurwar arewa
She who was born a lady
From the suckled, she was taught to breast feed
Born with zinari, veils and kwalli
She who was taught the art of beauty
How to talk like a lady
Don’t meet his eyes
Be a bit coy and shy
Kashe ido a nan
Rufe fuska a can
Budurwar arewa
She who has been told all her life
Miji sarki ne
What he says goes
Here goes her life’s mission, it doesn’t matter what she does to keep him,
be a queen, be a slave
Duk daya ne
Just make him happy
Budurwar arewa
Ai me Fatima za ta yi da makaranta
Ai Shamsiya ta iya girki, me kuma a ke nema??
Ga Aisha kuma yar fara, doguwa
Her father is a fool
Letting such beauty waste in school
Budurwar arewa
An ta waina ki, kamar masa a kasko
An ta tura ki
Ki je nan, ki je can
Goddess that you are
Ilimi kamar rijiyar Bagaja
No one knows your depth
No one knows where it flows from
Sun danna ki
But here you are – sprouting up
They’ll watch you grow
They’ll see you bloom
Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash
Mish August 23, 2021 11:39
Buduwar Arewa is such a Beautiful piece. So romantic, yet philosophical and educational. Revolutionary too. I love every bit of it Tricia. Well done. I didn't realize you have a masters in Hausa language. I guess there's more where that came from.