Ugandan poet Arao Ameny just gave birth to a sweet baby girl with her husband Jason Green. Her name is Amara, which means “beloved” in the language Leb Lango.

The couple gave birth at the Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center. The author’s husband Jason Green is a Jamaican-born engineer based in Maryland. The two look so in love with each other and their baby girl in the photos they shared with us.

Ameny posted a photo of baby Amara on her social media with the sweet caption:

I delivered my firstborn on July 2.

Amara, my daughter’s name, means “one who is loved” or “beloved” in my language Leb Lango, from the Lango word ‘Mara’ for ‘love’.

My husband Jason and I are thrilled.

The beginning of the most important story I’ll ever write…

Arao Ameny is a Maryland-based writer and poet from Lira, Lango region, Northern Uganda. She spent her early childhood in Uganda and grew up in the US. She is currently a biography writer and editor at the Poetry Foundation. She earned her MFA in fiction from the University of Baltimore in 2019. She also has an MA in Journalism from Indiana University and a BA in Political Science from the University of Indianapolis. Her first published poem “Home Is a Woman” won the Southern Review’s 2020 James Olney Award.

Congrats to and Jason! Check out the adorable photos of the three of them below: