The Other Foundation has called for applications for grants from “any individual or organization in thirteen eligible southern African countries, for work that addresses discrimination against lesbian women or transgender people.”
The Other Foundation is a South Africa-based trust “that supports those who are working to protect and advance the rights, wellbeing and social inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities for lasting change.” They collaborated with The Jacana Literary Foundation to organize the Gerald Kraak Award ceremony and publish the anthology.
The deadline for application is 15 September 2017.
We invite applications for grants from any individual or organization in thirteen eligible southern African countries to support work that focuses on combating discrimination, social exclusion, and violence against lesbian women and transgender people.
The thirteen eligible countries from which grant applications will be accepted are Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
To be eligible for a grant you must be:
- A lesbian woman or a transgender person, or an organization that is led by lesbian women or transgender people; or
- A general LGBTI organization that addresses discrimination against transgender people or lesbian women.
The grants come in four categories:
- Namaqualand Daisy grants “for individuals only, including activists, artists, researchers and others. The maximum grant is ZAR 10,000 for work lasting up to 12 months.”
- Inyosi or Honey Bee grants “for smaller organizations that want support for a small project or to get started. The maximum grant is ZAR 50,000 over 12 months.”
- Hungwe or Fish Eagle grants “for established organizations that need support for a project. The maximum grant is ZAR 200,000 over 18 months.”
- Mosu or Umbrella Tree grants “for core support to anchor organizations working at a national or regional level. The maximum grant is ZAR 500,000 over 24 months.”
Apply HERE.
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