Brighten your day with this video of Chimamanda Adichie showering her 4-year old daughter with Igbo praise names. She said in the Instagram post that she did in honor her father who passed away earlier in the year.

And one day I will tell her that my hailing her, this love-drenched litany of affirmation, is because my father hailed me too.⁣ (May 2020)

Adichie shared the video on her first week back after 12-weeks of silence on Instagram. If you’ve read Adichie’s recent New Yorker essay on grieving her father, you’ll recall the 4-year old daughter who has been a faithful and sweet witness to her mother’s attempt to grapple with the pain of losing a beloved father. Clearly, Adichie sees in her relationship with her daughter something powerful that she shared with her father.
